In this video I answer a listeners questions as to what is GDP and what is a Stock Market.
Category Archives: Politics
Economic Indicators for Libertarians 101
It is important for a Libertarian to be up to date on information and data to be able to craft compelling arguments to protect the freedom of individuals. In this video I discuss several economic indicators and how to think about them.
A Defense of Rand Paul: The Market Price of Pragmatism/Principle
Many libertarians felt betrayed when Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney earlier this year, and in this video I make my defense of Rand Paul a pragmatism in the name of change. In the same way the market clears by finding the equilibrium between supply and demand, an individual must change the world by finding the equilibrium between principle and pragmatism. Just like price equilibrium, the constantly changing world and conditions changes where equilibrium is but it must be sought to affect change.
Tax Policy 101 – Basic Tax Policy for Libertarians, Progressives, and Conservatives
In this video I discuss Tax Policy, the considerations that people must think about when discussing taxes and the different ways of taxing and their costs and benefits.
A Libertarian Reading of Paul Krugmans “End this Depression Now”
This is a playlist of Videos of me discussing Paul Krumans, “End this Depression Now!”. Giving a take from a libertarian free market point of view.
The U.S. Political Debate 101
In These two videos I attempt to elaborate on the heart of U.S. Politics and the divides that occur in the mainstream of political discourse (despite my far from mainstream perspectve.)
The Case for Free Market Environmentalism
In this video I talk about how in a free market world where roads are privatized it could mean great things for the economy and the environment.
A Libertarian Take on Deposit & Unemployment Insurance
In this video I discuss my take on insurance and it’s role in the economy, and why privatizing unemployment and deposit insurance can be some of the most transformative changes we can make to our economy.
Modeling, Economics, and Bad Predictions
Free Market Norway and Sweden
Alex Merced discusses how Norway and Sweden are arguments for free markets not against.
About Sweden:
About Switzerland:
About Norway:
About Canada:
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